Monday, January 28, 2019

3D S2 Nerf Gun (Week 1)

Started out setting up the image plane and started to model using create poly tool.

After boolean, started to clean up the geometry.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

3D S2 Hard Surface Knife Modeling (Week 1)

I Started out by setting up image planes in both Maya and Zbrush.

Started out making Proxies..

Started to model the High Res for just the blade. New method used "Creasing" tool.

Finished the Hi Res model along with the pieces for the boolean that will be done in Zbrush.

Exported the HiRes blade to Zbrush and used the boolean master to create new Geo.


Next, started the HiRes for the Grip part of the knife.

I also created all the pieces necessary for the boolean process in Zbrush.

Created the back end ring, main side screw, small screws, and clip.

Exported all the parts to Zbrush and started the boolean process one by one.

Result of the boolean process.

Then started to attach modular pieces and append them one by one.

Once finished I joined them all into one using the boolean master plug in to create one GEO. Used masking and polishing process for the finishing touch after running through Dynamesh Master.
Then I decimated it to around 900k polys.

Research (Decals)

What is a Decal? Shader Used for placing material onto pre-existing material. Decal can also be layered, simple or complex It can be a...